Hello World, The Start - January 10th 2025
Hello evryone i'm Sleety or otherwise known as Bora, and this is my first blog. I don't really know what I'm gonna write about but i'll write every time a important thing happens or if i just wanna write. This is just me rambling about the making of this website in this post.
So yeah, first of all the color palette. I didn't choose the colors at this point but i'm thinking of changing them. I've gotten them from the tui theme for Spicetify (100% recommend it btw). This website was not too hard to code it 'till now, but i don't know what will happen from now on.
I'm thinking of making a blog editor for this so i can write them faster and easily, and maybe making a comment system but I don't really thinks thats gonna happen. I could add liking to blogs tho. Anyway we'll see.
Since I'm and 8th grader in Turkiye, I need to study for LGS and i must not get low, or my life will literaly end. So I won't be giving this website too much time to spend on, but as i said i'll be writing. So stay tuned and cya'
Btw if you like reading more the next blogs will be longer.